Past Events
TEDx Provincetown: Hyperlocal
TEDxTalk: The Mother Factor: Acceptance Works Both Ways
Mom is the person who potentially has the greatest impact on her son’s life and his psychological well-being- especially in communities where he has been treated unfairly due to being gay.
Up until well into the 70s, the medical community blamed mothers for making their sons gay. Imagine the impact this had on women, their husbands, and their sons.
So you’d think that a lot of mothers were rejecting their sons, but historically that isn’t true.
Mothers Who Inspire
featuring Suzanne Loebl. Building Hope and Resiliency: Lessons Learned – from the Holocaust to Getting Through AIDS.
featuring Kelly Rippon. Online webinar with Kelly Rippon and Rick Miller, LICSW
featuring Lori Davis
featuring Blanca Leos
featuring Karen Murakami
Pride 365
Increasing LGBTQ+ Awareness, Elkus Manfredi Architects
Pride 365
Increasing LGBTQ+ Awareness, Wray Ward
The Pathway Home
National Association of Social Workers MA Chapter. Symposium 2021: Voices of Empowerment & Social Justice
The Pathway Home
National Association of Social Workers MA Chapter. Symposium 2020: Voices of Empowerment & Social Justice
Online Webinar
Featuring Gerald Garth
Austin ISD Pride Week
Keynote Speaker: Celebrate, Inform and Inspire
Mommas Boys
Club Café, Boston, MA
The Relational Mystique
Brief Therapy Conference, Burlingame, CA
The Path Leading Home
Let’s Talk Series: Yale New Haven Health Services Offices of Diversity and Inclusion, New Haven, CT
The Path Leading Home
Gay Sons and Mothers: Provincetown Art Association and Museum, Provincetown
Gay Sons and Mothers
With Rick Miller, LICSW. Mama Dragons at Encircle, Salt Lake City
The Bond Between Gay Sons and their Mothers Seen Through an Ericksonian Lens
Milton Erickson Congress: Approaches to Hypnosis & Psychotherapy, Phoenix, Arizona
Pride TV with Dale LePage
Interview with Rick Miller
Gay Sons and Mothers
A Dialogue. MEISA Psychotherapy Congress, 7th World Congress on Ego State Therapy, South Africa
Gay Boys and Their Moms
Workshop with Rick Miller. Provincetown, MA
“Miller shares and teaches with an authenticity and warmth that engages his audience and inspires participation. The acceptance that this workshop promotes permeated the room and invited individuals to feel welcome to share their own journeys.”